ELMS Phase 3 Sign up to the Global Farm Metric trial in partnership with FWAG Explore ELMS Phase 3 Trial Sign-up to trial the GFM Research Tool by entering your details into the form below. Once you have signed up, you will receive a link to the tool in your mailbox which can take up to 20 minutes to arrive. You can then start your assessment in 6 easy steps. Please note, this assessment is currently for UK farmers only. Global assessments are in development and will be released shortly.First Name(Required)Last Name(Required)Farm Name(Required)Farm Address(Required) Address Postal Code Farm type(Required)CerealsDairyGeneral croppingSpecialist fruitHorticultureLFA grazing livestockLowland grazing livestockMixedSpecialist pigsSpecialist poultryOtherIf other was selected, please describe your farm typeFarm size (standard labour requirement)(Required)Very large (equivalent >= 5 FTE)Large (equivalent 3-5 FTE)Medium (equivalent 2 - 3 FTE)Small (equivalent 1-2 FTE)Very small (equivalent 1 spare time employee and 1 FTE)Please select your number of full time employees (FTE)Phone Number(Required)Email Address(Required) Enter Email Confirm Email PermissionsPlease read the following privacy notice, consent statement and terms and conditions.Sustainable Food Trust(Required) I have read and agreed to the terms & conditions I consent to the information I provide during the trial being used as outlined in the consent statement I confirm I have read and agree to the Global Farm Metric’s privacy notice Select All Your viewsTo ensure the Global Farm Metric is useful for you and supports efforts to improve sustainability, we would like to collect some information on your views on farm sustainability. Your answers will be used anonymously for research purposes only, as per privacy agreements above. If you decide later that you do not want your answers to be used, you can email info@globalfarmmetric.orgHow would you define farm sustainability?Which statement do you most agree with? Sustainability is essential to good farming practice Sustainability is important but not essential to good farming practice Sustainability is positive but not important to good farming practice Sustainability is neither positive nor negative for good farming practice Sustainability is negative for good farming practice What is your current view of your farm’s level of sustainability? (please tick the option you most agree with) Poor Fair Good Very good Excellent Going into the trial, what ideas (if any) do you already have about how you could improve the sustainability of your farm (given the resources to do so)?EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.